Author Appearances

April 26: Guest speaker and panelist.  Asheville Angel Pets Conference, Asheville NC
March 1-15: Guest author on DogRead book club.  Discussion of Your Dog's Best Health: A Dozen Reasonable Things to Expect From Your Vet.
March 15-18: American Animal Hospital Association, 2012 Conference, Denver, Colorado, Invited Speaker, Veterinarian-Client Communication
March 23: Dog Chat Radio Show with Tracie Hotchner, 1pm EST
April 28: Paws on Parade Walk-A-Thon, Asheville NC , 9am-11am EST. Judge and participant.
May 30 - June 1: American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 2012 Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, Invited Speaker, Veterinarian-Client Communication
August 4: Invited Speaker, Happy Tails and Pawprints Network Seminar and Book Signing, Dahlonega GA, Postponed.  Check back for fall date.
February 3-6: Veterinary Specialists in Private Practice, 2011 Conference, San Diego, California, Keynote Speaker
July 16: Dr. Nancy Kay will be presented with the Leo Bustad Companion Animal Veterinarian of the Year Award at the American Veterinary Medical Association Conference in St. Louis, Missouri
August 27-31: American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association Conference, San Diego, California, Invited Speaker
January 2: Dog Chat with Tracie Hotchner
January 19: The Animal Magnet Pet Radio, Progressive Radio Network with Deborah Wolfe, 10:30 am PST
January 21: My Buddy Butch radio, 3:55 pm PST
March 10: Ask Dog Lady with Monica Collins, 12:05 pm EST (show airs 11:00 am to 1:00 pm EST), live audio stream on 980WCAP
March 27: KGO Newstalk Radio with KGO Consumer Advocate Michael Finney, 5:45pm PDT
April 24: 8:00 am to 12:30 pm - Morris Animal Foundation's Second K9K Walk to Cure Canine Cancer - Elk Grove Regional Park in Elk Grove, California.  Health Seminars begin at 10:30 am.
May 6: My Buddy Butch Radio Show, Vet Topic of the Week, 4 pm PDT
May 26: Pet Peeves on Pet Life Radio with Amy Shojai, May 26, 2010, 1:00 pm PDT
June 9: Speaker at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Conference, Anaheim, California - not open to the public
June 12: Speaker at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Annual Conference and Animal Wellness Expo, Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California - event is open to the public
July 8: My Buddy Butch Radio Show, Vet Topic of the Week, 4 pm PDT
August 22: Pt. Reyes Books, 10:30 am PDT
August 23: Radio Interview, The Responsible Pet Owner with Sara Hassler, on Good Company, 14/WILI AM, 5:10 pm EST
September 8: KRCB Radio's live broadcast of "A Novel Idea" with authors speaking at the Sonoma County Book Festival, KRCB Radio 91, Listen live, 7pm PDT
September 9-11: BlogPaws West 2010, Vet Track Invited Speaker, Denver, Colorado
September 14: Radio Interview, Dr. Shawn, The Natural Vet", Martha Stewart Living Radio, SIRIUS channel 112 and XM channel 157, 8:00 pm EST
September 16: "The Internet and the Vet: How the Internet is Changing Expectations Between Veterinarians and Their Clients", Redwood Empire Veterinary Medical Association, not open to the public.
September 25: Sonoma County Book Festival, Speaker and Panelist,, speaking 10:00 am in the Forum Room of the Sonoma County Library
October 31-November 3: ICCVM Conference, Workshop Presentation,  Great Expectations: How Client Expectations are Changing the Way We Communicate, not open to the public
November 7: Weim Country Gala, Trentadue Winery, Healdsburg California, benefitting Northern California Weimaraner Rescue
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